Green Finance Group AG







Sustainability is the foundation
of the Green Finance Group's success

As the parent company of the international Green Finance Group, Green Finance Group AG stands for a focus on sustainable strategies in the modern business world. Long-term business relationships and a conscious focus on sustainability and the environment are the foundation of the Green Finance Group’s success.

The companies in the Green Finance Group dedicate themselves to different business areas under one common credo: generating value for the benefit of all involved. We are already successful with this in several countries.

Green Finance Broker AG offers great programmes, subsidies and training units on a wide variety of topics.

Beprechung mit Notebook an Tisch
Besprechungsbild mit Model des GBC Wien auf dem Tisch
Gruppenfoto der Direktoren von Green Finance
Visualisierung des MEG Weng mittels 3d Modell
3d Visualisierung des GBC Wien
Das Gebäude GBC Linz von vorne
Schloss Hantberg
MEG Mauerkirchen
Luftaufnahme des Hotel Römerstein

We are the Green Finance Group

Green Finance Group AG and its subsidiaries operate internationally and offer a broad portfolio of services.
Green Finance Group AG acts as the holding company and, as the head of the
Green Finance Group determines the overall strategic corporate decisions. It is therefore largely responsible for focussing on sustainable areas.
With its Green Mission, Green Finance focuses on sustainability in its core areas of property, energy and financial investments.
Green Finance also focuses on sustainability when it comes to mobility in everyday working life. In 2022, we are already powered 54% by alternative drives. The goal is to increase this to 75% by 2024. To achieve this, we are gradually replacing combustion engines with hybrid or electric vehicles.

We are the Green Finance Group

Green Finance Group AG and its subsidiaries operate internationally and offer a broad portfolio of services.
Green Finance Group AG acts as a holding company and
determines the overall strategic corporate decisions as head of the Green Finance Group. As a result, it is largely responsible for focusing on sustainable areas.
With its Green Mission, Green Finance focuses on sustainability in its core areas of property, energy and financial investments.
Green Finance also focuses on sustainability when it comes to mobility in everyday working life. In 2022, we are already powered 54% by alternative drives. The goal is to increase this to 75% by 2024. To achieve this, we are gradually replacing combustion engines with hybrid or electric vehicles.


Get to know our subsidiaries:

Responsibility & Sustainability

With its Green Mission, Green Finance focuses on sustainability in its core areas of property, renewable energy and financial investments.
The Green Finance Group has set itself the mission of putting sustainability at the heart of what it does, which is why the Global Goals are integrated into relevant strategies and programmes and, if necessary, action plans and measures are elaborated. The thematic focus is based on the Responsibility & Sustainability Report.
The Green Finance Group now owns and manages more than 20 hectares of forest in Austria, and that number is rising. The company is careful to promote mixed forests in particular and has a very long-term approach in this respect.