The 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a global plan to promote sustainable peace and prosperity and protect our planet. Since 2016, all countries have been working on translating this common vision for combating poverty and reducing inequality into national development plans. When doing so, it is particularly important to address the needs and priorities of the most vulnerable countries and groups in society – because only if no one is left behind can the 17 goals be achieved by 2030.

How does Green Finance implement the 2030 Agenda?

The Green Finance Group has set itself the mission of putting sustainability at the heart of what it does, which is why the Global Goals are integrated into relevant strategies and programmes and, if necessary, action plans and measures are elaborated. The thematic focus is based on our Responsibility Sustainability Report.

What does Green Finance do to contribute to achieving these goals?

Green Finance Group AG implements measures in various areas that help realise the Global Goals, for example, in the following areas:

Goal 1: No poverty

Especially at a time when the majority of people are struggling with the issues of rising prices, increased energy bills and inflation, it is important to create sustainable jobs and promote equality. At the Green Finance Group, each person has the opportunity to build up a lucrative side income without having to make major outlays (e.g., for machines or special work equipment). Both lateral entrants and experienced employees are more than welcome to join the group.

The Green Finance Group leads by example. The group of companies donates to those in our society who cannot manage on their own and who have, in some cases, fallen into emergency situations through no fault of their own. Whether it’s company-internal fundraising campaigns for child cancer relief, or the dedication of individual employees themselves who are committed to fighting hunger in Africa. At Green Finance, ecology, economics and social issues have always belonged together. Social outreach and commitment to society are our clear focus.

Goal 2: Zero hunger
Goal 3: Good health and well-being

Ensuring a healthy lifestyle and promoting the well-being of each individual employee are essential for sustainable corporate development. Work–life balance is one of the Group’s major issues. From the very beginning, Green Finance has enabled its sales partners to enjoy precisely this balance between work and leisure time. Because a good work–life balance makes people happier while benefitting the company at the same time. Employees who feel they have more opportunities and control over their lives feel better at work. This leads to less absenteeism, illness and stress and, at the same time, promotes motivation for maximum performance.

Quality education is the basis for creating sustainable solutions for the future and for improving one’s own quality of life. At the Green Finance Group, the opportunity to become a business partner is open not only to those with experience in the industry but also to newcomers from different backgrounds. The group of companies attaches great importance here to a wide range of training, which is also completely free of charge. Employees are trained through a variety of training measures and workshops across a very wide spread of fields and are equipped with the necessary expertise for their business.

Goal 4: Quality Education
Goal 5: Gender equality

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. It is not only in administration and marketing where women enrich our corporate culture; in sales, too, which is still a very male-dominated field, the group of companies leads by example. This is because equal access for women and equal representation in commercial decision-making processes will promote the transformation towards sustainable economic growth and benefit society as a whole.

Water scarcity, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation impair the food security and livelihoods of people around the world. In all its projects and activities, the Group takes care to save and conserve groundwater. A good example of this is the Green Business Centre in Linz, where the property is located in a water protection zone. Here, the existing asphalt, contaminated with pollutants, has been excavated and treated to protect the groundwater resources and maintain their excellent quality.

Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

The majority of the Green Finance Group’s property projects obtain their energy through the power of the sun. The Group also has its own photovoltaic systems to promote solar power and ensure more grid and energy stability. The minds at Green Finance believe that public and private investments in renewable energy must be increased and more emphasis placed on innovative business models in order to sustainably change the world’s energy systems. Green Finance also focuses on sustainability when it comes to mobility. In 2022, the company was already powered 54% by alternative drives. The goal is to increase this to 75% by 2024. To achieve this, we are gradually replacing combustion engines with hybrid or electric vehicles.

Sustainable economic growth requires companies to create conditions that stimulate the economy while not polluting the environment. The projects and activities of the Green Finance Group are among the most booming sectors there are: renewable energies, valuable properties, and sustainable capital investments. These areas, which are relevant to society, are also increasingly being promoted by politics and are the focus of media attention. Furthermore, access to sustainable financial services needs to be improved in order to build up asset values and make productive investments.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Investing in infrastructure is crucial for sustainable development and for strengthening communities in many countries. It has long been known that increasing productivity and income, as well as improving health and education outcomes, requires investment in infrastructure. The Green Finance Group selects its real estate projects primarily based on their location. For example, the properties are all very easy to reach by public transport, resulting in shorter working distances and energy-saving transport.

Right to equal pay for equal work: at the Green Finance Group, the levels of wages are balanced, regardless of gender and origin. Whether a male or female business partner, the commission for contracts that are brokered and paid up is gender-independent and the same for all parties. The group of companies does not tolerate any discrimination with respect to pay for women and men. The company recognises the performance of each individual employee and also knows how to value them financially.

Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Sustainability plays an important role in the real estate projects of the Green Finance Group. The company thus selects its properties in places that also follow this credo. A good example of this is the municipality of Weng, where the Green Finance Group has implemented its next real estate project. This is where the company Hargassner is based, which makes environmentally friendly heating possible from the raw material wood. With the construction of modern, highly efficient heating systems and the creation of new jobs, the thinking is sustainable here, which is right in line with the philosophy of the Green Finance Group.

Sustainable consumption at the Green Finance Group aims to “become more and better with less” – keyword: quality instead of quantity. The Group is continuously optimising its resource consumption in all areas of its business activities. This includes saving and avoiding the use of resources, sustainable consumption, and responsible production methods. For example, Green Finance uses recycled paper for all its promotional items, refrains from making unnecessary orders and, at the same time, often resorts to retrievable online files. The subject of waste prevention and waste separation is also very important to the company.

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action

Climate change concerns us all. Weather conditions are changing, and greenhouse gas emissions are reaching their highest levels in history. Without appropriate measures, the world’s average surface temperature is likely to exceed three degrees Celsius this century. The most affected are the poorest and most vulnerable. In order to control greenhouse gas emissions, the Green Finance Group has developed the 10,000 Tree Programme. This programme reserves company-owned areas for the planting of 10,000 trees.

Careful use of the important global resource of water is an essential part of a sustainable future. Rainwater, drinking water, the weather, climate and coastlines – much of our food and even the oxygen in the air that we breathe are ultimately provided and regulated by the sea. The Green Finance Group relies on glass bottles instead of plastic in everyday business life, avoids plastic waste wherever possible, uses degradable and recycled advertising materials, and always keeps an eye on environmental standards.

Goal 14: Life below water
Goal 15: Life on land

Forests cover 30.7 percent of the Earth’s surface and not only provide food security and shelter, but are also critical in the fight against climate change, for the preservation of biodiversity, and for indigenous peoples. The Green Finance Group now owns and manages more than 10 hectares of forest in Austria, and that number is rising. The company is keen to promote mixed forests, in particular, and thinks very long term in this regard, because the fruits of these areas are only harvested by the generation after the next, which is right in line with the company’s sustainable philosophy.

For the Green Finance Group, the issue of justice and fairness is particularly important. Very often in companies, subjective aspects come into play during promotions that, ultimately, affect the choice of person promoted. This very often has something to do with nepotism, or favouritism, etc. At Green Finance Broker AG, there is a clear career plan that defines the required criteria in detail. And, here, it is only facts that ultimately decide promotions, and relationships with decision-makers play absolutely no role.

Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

In sales, especially, it is hardly possible to achieve the defined career goals alone. You always need a team to rise to the highest positions of the company. The Green Finance Group propels the team spirit in the company under the motto “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Partnerships are formed among the individual groups, which also seep over into private life, where real friendships are made for life. For the team is always stronger than the individual.